January 21, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things - Remix

Top 10Things about the Bode
1. Looking up at the stars as I ride my bike back after my evening classes, while listening to Il Divo’s rendition of the Unchained Melody
2. Ice cold Ovaltine with sweetened, condensed milk and made-to-order fruit smoothies from street vendors
3. Being able to take an hour-long nap after lunch … and not feeling guilty at all

4. Teaching myself to play guitar like Joni Mitchell
5. Bad EngRish t-shirts (see photo evidence)
6. Listening to my students at Sustainable Cambodia sing The 12 Days of Christmas at the end of every class just because
7. Seeing cows and goats walk across the courtyard at school on a daily basis
8. Texting Deidre and Katie about Gossip Girl -- at least someone in this country appreciates that Nate and Vanessa should not be hooking up
9. Startling unsuspecting Cambodians with my bike horn
10. Oreo and Salsa (cats at my house) … when they aren’t trying to sneak into my bedroom

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