January 16, 2009

New Photos!

New photos from my trip to Phnom Penh, Preh Net Preah and Battambang. Happy stalking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Whit Whit, Well I will try again to get this posted? with Jana's help!I am all caught up on your latest blog comment's,especially liked the 6 months slump comments. That should be published in a Peace Corp news letter if there is such an item? if not you should write one and and go to the right sources and see if they would support such a project? Just think of all the interviews you could do on old and new PC persons and people of the country. I know of no other writer such as yourself that could bring the written word to life as it would be happening now in full color as one would be there themselves! Great project idea? think about that!
It was great talking with you Sunday, your Mom aand I actually do a count down till (9:00 AM) every sunday. Thank God for Phones!! I many times think of how brave you all are to endure the hardships that challenges you face on a daily basis and the hugh culture change that has happened. I say what courageous and unselfish persons you all are to give to others what you can pass onto to less fortunate people. I worry much, but am so proud of you, and I am a true ambassador for the Peace Corp. I will sign off for now and try to post this so in parting "Goodnight you Princess and Kings of Cambodia we Love you all" DAD